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One Step Ahead


Late pickup policy/Payments

If you child is picked up after 6:00pm there will be a late fee charge assessed of $1.00 for every one minute (unless prior arrangements have been made.) Please be courteous and arrive on time. After hours is time with our family.


Screening Tool policy:

YBM’s provides three set of screening tools which are Child Service Report, Progress Report and Ages and stages currently being advocated as a useful options. This helps administrators and staff members to put into practice by providing suggestions and resources for easy implementation of a standardized practice of screening children. These tools are to help parents understanding their child’s changing and emerging growth and development which is very important. As infants and children progress through a series of growth stages, they may encounter physical and emotional challenges and some relatively common problems during these years.


The key objectives are the following:

1. To develop and implement a model program for children that includes their developmental

2. To help parents understand developmental milestones and behavior that facilitates healthy development

3. To identify and respond to provider concerns about development screening

4. To monitor and track the impact of implementing the Child Service Report , YBM’s Progress Report and Ages & Stages screening tools.


These questionnaires are designed to screen that developmental performance of children in the areas of communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills .problem solving, and personal-social skills. 


The ASQ-3 is an assessment tool that helps parents provides information about the developmental status of their child young child across five developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal-social.


What age is the stage screening?  Birth – 51/2


Important fact:

There are too many children with developmental risks or delays who are not identified early enough. Many children and families with known risks and delays do not receive timely services and supports. Failure to identify children with developmental delays and intervene early can have both short and long term impact such as delays in speech and academic failure


Termination Policy

The first 30 days will be regarded as a trail period, in which case either party may terminate the contract without notice. After the first 30 days of enrollment, 30 days written notice from parent or provider is required to terminate the contract, with the exception of gross misconduct on part of the provider, parent, or child. This is grounds for immediate discontinuation of service. In cases of non-payment, legal action may be taken, and the parents will pay all legal fees incurred.


Transition Policy

Your child’s transition in child care should be a positive and exciting learning adventure. We will work with you and your child to ensure the smoothest possible transition occurs as new routines and new people are introduced.

  • Transition from home to center

    • Prior to your child’s first day, you will have an opportunity to tour the center, meet with your child’s peers and teachers, and communicate any anticipated concerns. At this time please share the best communication methods that the teacher may use to reach you.

  • Transition between learning programs 

    • Children are transitioned to the next program based on age, developmental readiness, state licensing requirements, and space availability. During the transition, current and future teachers will meet with you to propose a plan to introduce your child into the new program.

  • Transition to elementary school

    •  Transition activities such as a field trip to a local elementary school, creating a mural of special friends and special times at our center will be part of your child’s education at our center. We will provide you with information on local schools, what to expect, and ideas on how to talk to your child about going to elementary school.

  • Transition for before/after school care 

    • Children who are of school age may continue with before/after school care at our center. The center will provide staff to ensure that your child arrives at the bus stop for pick up (before school) and drop off (after school) in a timely manner. The Supplemental Enrollment Form must be completed and on file with the center in order to be eligible for this service.


Policies for Caring For Our Children


Special Needs /Asthma/ Medical Needs

Young Bright Minds Daycare & Learning Center is committed to meeting the needs of all children. This includes children with special health care needs such as asthma and allergies, as well as children with emotional or behavior issues or chronic illness and disability. Inclusion of children with special needs enriches the child care experience and all staff, families, and children benefits.


  1.  Young Bright Minds Daycare & Learning Center will be responsible for ensuring that confidentiality about special needs and/or differences.

  2.  Children with special needs will be accepted into our program under the guidelines of the Americana with Disabilities Act (ADA)

  3.  All families will be treated with dignity and with respect for their individual needs and/or differences.

  4. Young Bright Minds Daycare & Learning Center will ensure that when a child with a special need is identified on the YBM’s Application Form , the family will be given a Special Health Care Plan and Emergency Information for Children with Special Needs Form ,to be filled out by the family and health care provider collaboratively with a member of the YBM’s staff.


Remember completed plans are requested from health care provider annually or more often as needed for changes. Plan are reviewed, initialed, and dated annually by parent/guardian. The Director is responsible for ensuring care plans are kept updated. Children with special needs are not present without plan on site.


5. Children with special needs will be given the opportunity to participate in the program to the fullest extent possible. To accomplish this, child care program may consult with agencies/organizations as needed, provided parental permission is granted ( Authorization for Release of information form). Inclusion of YBM’s staff on IFSP and IEP case conferences is desired to ensure the YBM’s provides the most supportive environment possible.


6. All YBM’s staff will receive general training on the benefits of inclusion of children with special needs and training on specific accommodations that any child in their classroom may need. The knowledge of parents and health care professionals involved in the care of the child with special needs will be consulted to determine accommodations and or therapy requirements.


7. Teachers, cooks, and other YBM’s staff will be oriented to any special needs or diet restrictions by the Director.


When the policy applies: At all times


Health Care Policies & Procedures

Health Matters

For the health and safety of your child and all of the children in YBM childcare center, PLEASE DO NOT BRINGS YOUR CHILD TO DAYCARE SICK or with any other issues. Not only will it affect other children but will affect YBM when it comes to staff ratios which are very important. In which case we in turn may become sick making it difficult to care for the children at the high standards that we have set for ourselves. We can only care for children with mild cold like symptoms that are otherwise feeling and acting well. Mild cold like symptoms are clear runny nose, slight cough, and a slight or no fever. If you are not sure if your child should be brought to daycare, then please contact and check in with YBM. If a child becomes ill during daycare hours the parents will be contacted to pick up their child. Please need to pick up their children within one hour of being notified. If parents are not available, the emergency contact person will be notified.

Note: once the child is removed from daycare due to illness, they must not return to daycare without a doctor note saying the child is clear to come back to school.

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